Day 2: Another Page by Eustace Allen
Another blank page, another blinking cursor and a white white too white emptiness that is threatening to prove I can't do this.
Oh I had to add my name to the title of this post because I didn't want you to be confused that I was writing about Christopher Cross. Although now -- if you're of an age -- you have Arthur's Theme locked in your head. Enjoy the earwig, it could have been the Macarena.
And...well now in my head it is both. How is that possible? The bicameral mentality you answer because you are bright and well-read? But it appears in my case both of my rooms are talking, not listening. Sounds familiar, since many of us live in a bicameral system of legislature, of which the chief attribute it seems is to scream ridiculous opinions and misrepresented facts at the other side and then storm out like Lindsey Graham. Bicameral just means two rooms, taken from the same root as the camera (from camera obscura or "secret room") that we have all sitting like Kubrick's monolith in our slacks or purses.
That wasn't a euphuism. I was referring to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Because I'm smart too -- you aren't the only one you know!
My takeaway today is that I appear to be very concerned about being as smart as you. I hope that doesn't make me look stupid.
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