Day 2: Another Page by Eustace Allen
Another blank page, another blinking cursor and a white white too white emptiness that is threatening to prove I can't do this. Oh I had to add my name to the title of this post because I didn't want you to be confused that I was writing about Christopher Cross. Although now -- if you're of an age -- you have Arthur's Theme locked in your head. Enjoy the earwig, it could have been the Macarena . And...well now in my head it is both. How is that possible? The bicameral mentality you answer because you are bright and well-read? But it appears in my case both of my rooms are talking, not listening. Sounds familiar, since many of us live in a bicameral system of legislature , of which the chief attribute it seems is to scream ridiculous opinions and misrepresented facts at the other side and then storm out like Lindsey Graham . Bicameral just means two rooms, taken from the same root as the camera (from camera obscura or "secret room") that we have all sittin...